Im just a girl. An angel at best and a hater at worst. Nothing more and nothing less, and theres nobody I would rather be.
I'm very fond of where I live. I Live in new england! Massachusetts to be specific. It's a very beautiful area, and surprisingly diverse! All sorts of forests, beaches, lakes, parks, cities, towns... all of that stuff.
I have a girlfriend who lives a few hours away from me, and we love eachother alot. She's very sweet and talented. I may add a page dedicated to her artworks with her permission!
Im a big fan of animatronics, both for family entertainment and haunts. My icon for all my social media is the Convulsing Nurse. She's an animatronic released by Spirit Halloween for the 2013 season.
I'm also a big fan of furry culture. although I distance myself from the online community due to the amount of drama happening there, I still love anthro characters and their creators. I have two Fursonas!
I love all sorts of music as well, anything from hardcore to pop, metal to vocaloid, I listen to alot of stuff!
I also have a Sister!She's like my other half!
Take me home!